Vol 4 Amazing Origami - 2nd Edition

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Vol 4 Amazing Origami - 2nd Edition

Dieses Buch stößt an die Grenzen des modernen Origami! Falten Sie 20 unglaubliche Modelle mit unmöglichen Farbwechseln und innovativen und stilvollen Faltsequenzen.

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

* FORMAT des Buches

34.00 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache


Amazing Origami


Fold what seems impossible to achieve in origami!


This book presents step by step instructions to fold 20 incredible models by the Chinese artist Chen Xiao.


It is a new stage in the art of origami. Chen Xiao offers models full of life, with new and intriguing color changes that stimulate the interest of the folder. But his genius also lies in his folding sequences in 22.5 ° totally innovative, elegant and fun! Each model is an adventure where the folder feels the sensation of having opened a new door in origami.


See photos of all models by clicking on this link.


Extract from the foreword by Roman Diaz:

"...... The appeal of the figures is such that you immediately want to fold them somehow. I for one remember folding some of his works using crease patterns and being inspired by the rational yet graceful constructions; the same two things I seek in my own works.
Now we have his book, and the appeal of those pictures and the beauty of the structures are met with cleardiagrams and enjoyable folding sequences. He has selected pieces with a gradual crescendo of difficulty and complexity. The variety of his subject matter stretches from animals to human characters.
The designs are composed extremely well and convey very clearly the intellectual process that led to each creation..."

Details :

  • 208 color pages
  • Complete step-by-step folding instructions for 20 models
  • Languages: English and French (all texts, including diagrams)

Available formats (to be selected above):

  • Paperback with digital book option
  • Digital book alone

    Digital edition: Too impatient to wait for the delivery of the book? Or you would like a version for your smartphone or tablet? Check the digital option above. You could download it immediately from Your Account>My downloads” as soon as we accept your payment.
    The digital version may also be available on our "Origami Shop Library" application at your request (write a comment during the checkout in order we unlock its availability).
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Benutzermeinung für Vol 4 Amazing Origami - 2nd Edition (30 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Saturday 07 December 2024 durch Magdalena H
Another fantastic book! Lots of amazing models
- Erstellt am Monday 21 October 2024 durch Jason G
Lot of very unique models, quite difficult but very satisfying and can't be found anywhere else.
- Erstellt am Wednesday 07 September 2022 durch Sviatoslav H
Great book with interesting models
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