» » » » Tissue-foil papers

Example of use: Video de jonakashima folding a songbird by R.J. Lang with this paper.

These items are proprietary products to our shop because they are manufactured by us

- Developed in partnership with a Thai paper mill
- Cut into squares and packaged by us










This tissue-foil papers has a lot of avantages : thin but strong, capacity to shape and colorful, it is IMMEDIATELY usable : there is no need to go through the tedious step of the manufacture or preparation of sandwich paper to fold beautiful origami models.

On the other hand, they have two major advantages:


The second face has color and a delicate pattern, sufficient to ensure a great rendering for the model without any addition (unlike foil papers which have a non realistic pure white face that it is often necessary to hide glueing a tissue paper).
The foil face is spangled, which cancels all reflections (unlike foil papers with eads many unsightly glare).
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