book Origami Unusual Modulars Denver Lawson

Durchschnitt:  7 Stellungnahme

Origami - Unusual Modulars

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

9.95 €


Book Description: 
Denver Lawson sees modulars in a different way than most modular designers. In this book, you will discover 16 surprising and unusual modular models including Artichoke, Fractal Spiral and Black Hole.

Product Details:
Softcover : 44 pages
Product Dimensions: 14.5 cm x 21 cm
Langage : English

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Benutzermeinung für Origami - Unusual Modulars (7 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Monday 03 April 2023 durch Jolanda M
Never heard of the autor. He made some great modulars. I do understand why the book is called unusua... (Lesen Sie mehr)
- Erstellt am Tuesday 01 March 2022 durch Alex M
This is a quirky compilation of several interesting modulars in a succinct booklet. Most of the diag... (Lesen Sie mehr)
- Erstellt am Monday 02 August 2021 durch Wolfgang S
Pretty cool Modular models. Worth the price, not expensive
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