Bear Hide paper

Durchschnitt:  5 Stellungnahme


Das Muster dieses Origami-Papiers erinnert an die Reflexion eines Mantels. Es ist daher besonders interessant für das Zusammenlegen von Tieren. Es eignet sich auch für Tessellations und Nassfalten.

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

* Size of the sheet

7.99 €



  • Select the size in the options above
  • 90 g/m²


The texture of this paper evokes the reflection of a coat. It is therefore particularly interesting for folding animals. Gen Hagiwara often used this paper, which he introduced to us the first time in 2015. Since then, we have expanded the range to offer up to 6 colors in different sizes.

With these 90 gsm, it remains perfectly adapted to most of the complex models to which it will bring roundness and volume for a spectacular result.


It is compatible with Tessellations, modulars and wet folding.



  • These items are proprietary products to our shop because we cut them into squares and conditioning them ourselves.​
  • Sheets with format 50x50 cm & 70x70 cm will be sent folded by us. It therefore inevitably contain creases but of course, the traces will not interfere in the final appearance of your model. By ordering this paper, you agree to receive sheets folded.

This paper was discovered and made ​​available for the first time for the origami community by Origami-shop, on 19 june 2015.




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Benutzermeinung für BROWN YOHISHI (5 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Wednesday 12 May 2021 durch Valerio C
Very nice texture and good thickness even though sometimes it can be a bit too stiff.
Overall... (Lesen Sie mehr)
- Erstellt am Monday 19 December 2016 durch Jiri JJJJ
Hard, excellent example Gen Hagivara - kangaroo, (70x70)
- Erstellt am Tuesday 29 November 2016 durch Anita RRRRR
Sturdy and nice to fold certain models with.
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