burgundy opera Banana tissue paper 65x95 cm scrapbooking origami

Burgundy Opera Banana Tissue Paper

Naturseidenpapiere aus Bananenblättern zur Imitation von Tierfellen und zur Verschönerung Ihrer Modelle.

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

* Size of the sheet

4.50 €

Papers: Farben

Papier: Größen

Bücher: Thema


Banana Silk Paper BURGUNDY OPERA

Natural silk paper made from banana leaves.

  • Select the size in the options above
  • Weight: 35 gsm


Qualities :


This very fine paper has long and visible fibers and unusual colors. It allows you to imitate the fur of an animal and embellish your models.


It can be used in two ways:

  1. Glue on another paper (see how to make sandwich paper here).
  2. Treated with methylcellulose (wallpaper glue)


The sheets with format 45x45 cm or 65x95 cm will be sent folded by us. It therefore inevitably contain creases but of course, the traces will not interfere in the final appearance of your model. By ordering this paper, you agree to receive these 45x45 cm or 65x95 cm sheets folded

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