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Special Guests + VIPs

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Our 4 special guests :



SYN (Li Jiahui - 李嘉辉) - Chine
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Juho Könkkölä (Finlande)
Instagram / Facebook / Youtube / Website




Hubert Villeneuve (Canada)
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Jonathan Rebouillat (France)

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Our VIPs

Artists present at this convention
previously invited and/or published


Alizée Glasser
Tetsuya Gotani
Willie Guillermo Crespo
Oriol Esteve
Marc Vigo
Enrique Martinez
Joel Garcia Moix
Anicé Claudéon
Eliot Dupré
Raphael Maillot
Nicolas Terry
Andres TROYA
Gache Papier
Eric Vigier
Bodo Hagg


KAZUś Dominik



Q: an origami convention? What is it?

A: an origami convention is a gathering of folders from all horizons. They meet to exchange about origami, both formally and informally.

Q: what do people do during an origami convention?
A: a typical day consists of two "classes" (also called "workshops") where a folder teaches one or several models to a small group of people. Those classes can be given by masters of the field who were invited especially, or by participants.
One or two conferences, or demonstrations of origami related techniques take place in the evening
The rest of time is also dedicated to folding, but in a relaxed in informal way, with folding happening spontaneously everywhere in the conference center.

Q: the Lyon convention, who are the organizers?
A: the Lyon convention is organized each year by the same group of dedicated folder. They created a small association OORAA
for that very purpose.
All of them are volunteers and the registration fee is only used to invite the origami masters and the logistic of the convention.

Q: the Lyon convention, who can attend?
A: in order to benefit from the classes, it is enough to know the basic folds (those in the traditional origami crane for example). Some classes are more technical and have more requirements but they are clearly indicated.
The Lyon convention however is not appropriate for people who have never folded before.
Note that kids, with a parent or guardian, are welcome. (Note that the guardian need not pay for the convention.)

Q: Why should I make sure I don't miss this opportunity?
     1) This is a unique opportunity to meet "in real life" some of the masters of the field. 

     2) This is an opportunity to meet other folders from around the globe, to share once passion and make new friends. This also a good way to keep in touch with the latest innovation in the world of origami.

     3) This is the best way to get better at folding, to learn new things and discovers all the tips and tricks of the other folders...

Q: You've made your point, I'm coming! How do I register?
A: Registration is done online at http://tinyurl.com/lp63gur
You can also book a room (starting at 25€ a night, with breakfast) inside the convention center.


Other questions :

- Travel

- Accomodations
- Restoration

The convention takes place again at the "Centre international de séjour de Lyon (CISL)". We have in only one place:

  • pleasant rooms to host the exhibition and workshops.
  • a restaurant-canteen offering a wide variety of options for breakfast, lunchtime and evening meals
  • accommodation at very cheap price (from 25 € per night)

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