Olympiad 2014 [e-book Edition]

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Olympiad 2014 [e-book Edition]

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Product Details:

The International Origami Olympiad is a friendly contest which offer each year a list of new models to fold by the participants.


This is the selection for 2014:


Full Diagrams:


Task 1: "You are always in my heart" - Andrey Lukyanov
Task 2: Hedgehog - Sergey Yartsev
Task 3: Unicorn - Andrey Ermakov
Task 4Loaf - Dmitry Lysiuk
Task 5: Dragonfly - Andrey Ermakov

CPs :

Task 6: Flamingo - Yasushi Miyashita


Kusudama :

Task 7: Stiletto Star - Maria Sinayskaya


Tesselations :

Task 8: Circular Saw Blade - Ryoichi Takagi

Task 9: Cemb Cecmëp - Peter Keller

Task 10: Accidental Pseudo Flagstone - Daniel Kwan


Corrugations :

Task 11: Moth - Andrey Ermakov


Product Details:

Format : PDF 8.5 Mo

Language : English
Nombre de pages : 55 pages 

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- Erstellt am Sunday 21 February 2016 durch valérie B
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