Olympiad 2016 [e-book Edition]

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Olympiad 2016 [e-book Edition]

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Product Details:

The International Origami Olympiad is a friendly contest which offer each year a list of new models to fold by the participants.


This is the selection for 2015:


Full Diagrams:

Task 1: Heart with a swan- Andrey Lukyanov / Recommanded paper = Red Kami 17.6x17.6 cm
Task 2: Squirrel - Sergey Yartsev / Recommanded paper = Duo Thai 30x30 cm
Task 3: Papegano - Peter Stein / Recommanded paper = Tissue-foil 30x30 cm glue on white tissue paper
Task 4: Samurai Helmet - Marcelo Arispe-Guzman / Recommanded paper = Washi Deluxe 35x35 cm
Task 5: Rest In Peas - Sebastien Limet / Recommanded paper = Tissue-foil vert 30x30 cm glue on green unryu
Task 6: Shoes op.84 Andrey Ermakov / Recommanded paper = Brown Biotope
Task 7: Shore Crab Pham Hoang Tuan / Recommanded paper = Coffee Tissue-foil 

Modular :

Task 8: Evangeline Kusudama - Xander Perrott / Recommanded paper = Tant paper 


CP :

Task 9: Elephant - Beth Johnson / Recommanded paper = Elephant Paper
Task 10: Lily Beetle - Damian Malicki / Recommanded paper = Red Tissue-foil glue on black tissue paper


Tesselations :

Task 11: Twisted Bird Base Tessellation - Michal Kosmulski / Recommanded paper = Marble

Task 12: Rosa Odorata - Ryoichi Takagi / Recommanded paper = Red Tissue foil glue on green paper tissue

Task 13: Mer lion (version 3.0) - Andrey Ermakov / Recommanded paper = Biotope 70x70 cm



Corrugation :

Task 14: Shadow of IOIO-2016 - Liang Xing / Recommanded paper = Lethac Rouketsu 


Product Details:

Format : PDF 6 Mo

Language : English
Nombre de pages : 77 pages 


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Benutzermeinung für Olympiad 2016 [e-book Edition] (2 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Wednesday 28 August 2019 durch Malte S
Beautiful models with clear instructions
- Erstellt am Sunday 14 April 2019 durch blair W
Origami Shop always delivers as described and hoped, this book has a large number of simple to compl... (Lesen Sie mehr)
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