Olympiad 2017 - Round #1 [e-book Edition]

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Olympiad 2017 - Round #1 [e-book Edition]

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Olympiad 2017 - Round #1 [e-book Edition]


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Product Details:

The International Origami Olympiad is a friendly contest which offer each year a list of new models to fold by the participants.


This is the selection for 2017 - Round #1:


Full Diagrams:

Task 1: Clematis sibirica - Dzmitry Lysiuk (Belarus)
Task 2 : Cat - Andrey Ermakov
CP :

Task 3: Flower in a Heart - Andrey Ermakov



Product Details:

Format : PDF 0.6 Mo

Language : English
Nombre de pages : 16 pages 


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Benutzermeinung für Olympiad 2017 - Round #1 [e-book Edition] (1 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Tuesday 20 March 2018 durch Leny B
Les diagrammes sont clairs. Le modèle du chat est particulièrement intéressant.
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