Origami Fun and Games

Durchschnitt:  1 Stellungnahme

Let's make pictures! 12 months of wall origami

Create beautiful images by gluing your origami onto paper to decorate the walls!

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

29.50 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad


Let's make pictures! 12 months of wall origami

Very popular with children and seniors, the author offers in this new book many origami on seasonal themes. The book presents many easy-to-follow folding techniques. It is said that working with your fingers is good for your brain, and Misa Imai's origami, for example, is very popular with the elderly, making it ideal for nursing homes. The book also includes detailed tips on how to create images by gluing folded origami onto paper to create pictures and decorate walls!


Product Details:
Paperback: 168 pages
Language: Japanese
Product Dimensions: 20 cm x 25.5 cm


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Benutzermeinung für Let's make pictures! 12 months of wall origami (1 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Friday 20 August 2021 durch Emilyana M
Le livre est en japonais, mais les schémas sont très faciles à comprendre. Les modèles sont vrai... (Lesen Sie mehr)
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