Wood texture
Durchschnitt:  2 Stellungnahme

Light Brown Wood Texture

Dieses Origami-Papier bietet eine Holzstruktur, um Ihren modularen und Tessellationen einen "in Holz gehauenen" Aspekt zu verleihen. Perfekt auch zur natürlichen Unterstützung Ihrer Modelle.

Quantität : 
Bald verfügbar

* Size of the sheet

1.50 €


Pack Origami Papers with LIGHT BROWN Wood Texture

  • Select the size in the options above
  • Quantity: 
  • - 1 sheet for 35x35 cm / 50x50 cm / 70x70 cm
    - Pack 5 sheets for 24x24 cm
  • 100 g/m²


This chinese's paper proposes a unique texture perfectly imitating the wood in its slightest veins.

With this unusual texture, you could fold, for example, supports of any type to highlight your origami models: tree support for birds, rectangular support for animals ...


By folding modulars and Tesselations, you will get a unique rendering: your models would seem to have been carved in wood!

This paper was discovered and made ​​available for the first time for the origami community by Origami-shop, on june 2017.


​Sheets with format  50x50 cm to 70x70 cm will be sent folded by us. It therefore inevitably contain creases but of course, the traces will not interfere in the final appearance of your model. By ordering this paper, you agree to receive sheets folded.

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Benutzermeinung für Light Brown Wood Texture (2 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Saturday 16 October 2021 durch Valerio C
Nice paper.
Very beautiful texture, easy to shape, nice birch-like colour.
It is however... (Lesen Sie mehr)
- Erstellt am Monday 17 June 2019 durch Philippe VVVVVVVVV
Texture surprenante... on croirait vraiment du bois.
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