Nick Robinson's Collection : Vol 2. Origami in Motion

Nick Robinson's Collection: Vol 2. Origami in Motion

Sammlung von 21 Origami-Modellen von einfachem bis mittlerem Niveau mit dem Thema "Bewegung".

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7.99 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad


Nick Robinson's Collection : Vol 2. Origami in Motion


Nick Robinson is one of the most prolific origami author, having written nearly 100+ books of origami. Today, he starts his own origami collection books. Each volume presents a new thematic.

This second volume presents a
 collection of 20 models (simple to high-intermediate) with a “motion” theme, that “do something” (flap, twist, squawk, spin etc.) Available as an ebook (pdf) or printed. It includes an introduction, a guide to common folding symbols and a “what next?” page. The printed edition comes in a shelf-friendly A5 format.


Available formats (to be selected above):

  • Paperback with digital book option (soon available)
  • Digital book alone

    Digital edition: Too impatient to wait for the delivery of the book? Or you would like a version for your smartphone or tablet? Check the digital option above. You could download it immediately from Your Account>My downloads” as soon as we accept your payment.

Product Details:

Step by step folding instructions for 20 origami models

Paperback: 44 pages
Language: English
Product Dimensions: A5 (15x21 cm)



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