Paginas de Origami - Bogota 2015 [e-book Edition]

Durchschnitt:  3 Stellungnahme

Paginas de Origami - Bogota 2015 [e-book Edition]

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* Diagramm oder digitales Buch:

6.99 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache

Bücher: Thema


Book Description:

- 40 models with step-by-step diagrams from level intermediate to complex

- 231 pages
- Language: spanish
- Format: PDF 54 Mo


This item is an e-bookthere are thus no carriage costs. The PDF fild can be viewed using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader Program on PC, Mac, smartphone and Tablet. You could download it from “Your Account>My downloads” as soon as we accept your payment.
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Benutzermeinung für Paginas de Origami - Bogota 2015 [e-book Edition] (3 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Tuesday 20 December 2016 durch John FF
Another excellent convention book with models to suit all tastes.
- Erstellt am Friday 26 August 2016 durch Mahesh P
Always great to fold designs from other parts of the world! Thank you!
- Erstellt am Friday 18 September 2015 durch André Luis de Lima M
very good the book the origami-shop are super
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