#1 Origami For Interpretes

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#1 Origami For Interpretes

Román DIAZ ist einer der talentiertesten Origami-Designer, die in diesem Jahrzehnt entstanden sind. Er präsentiert hier seine schönsten Modelle durch lustige und lustige Schritt-für-Schritt-Diagramme.

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19.99 €


Origami For Interpereters


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Román DIAZ is the one of most talented origami creators to have emerged in recent years. In this, his first book, he presents his most beautiful models. Clear, precise, and detailed diagrams will lead you step-by-step through the folding of each figure. Within the reach of most, the models are classified from the simplest through to the most complex. From the cockerel to the elephant, and from the panda to the crane, learn to fold lifelike and astonishing animals.


Review by Gilad Aharoni:

Roman Diaz compares origami to a musical composition, where the creator is the "composer", and the folders are the "interpreters", who can, and should, add their own personal touches to the model, beyond the drawn diagrams. The first section of his book contains invaluable information for the interpreters, including tips for selecting the right kind of paper for job, an overview of folding methods, and a lengthy discussion about the final touches that can be applied to a model after completing the last step of a diagram.

Diaz is a Veterinarian by profession, and his love to his patients is evident in each of the creations in this book. His animals are complex and detailed, yet retain a certain liveliness and naturalness about them. My favorites are the tiger and lion heads, and, of course, the cat.

Each model comes with recommendations from the author about his favorite paper type and size for the project.

With excellent content and superb production quality, this book is highly recommended.


Available formats (to be selected above):

  • Hardcover with digital book option
  • Digital book alone
    Digital edition: Too impatient to wait for the delivery of the book? Or you would like a version for your smartphone or tablet? Check the digital option above. You could download it immediately from Your Account>My downloads” as soon as we accept your payment.
    The digital version may also be available on our "Origami Shop Library" application at your request (write a comment during the checkout in order we unlock its availability).


Details :

  • Softcover 160 pages
  • Complete step-by-step folding instructions for 21 models + 4 CPs
  • Languages: English & Spanish 
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Benutzermeinung für #1 Origami For Interpretes (4 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Sunday 09 October 2022 durch Andrea S
A wonderful book by an origami ‘great'. I'm no expert, but I do like good models to provide a chal... (Lesen Sie mehr)
- Erstellt am Sunday 20 December 2020 durch yayoi NN
I just made few of this book and I'll keep rest of them for holidays.
I'm excited to try gorge... (Lesen Sie mehr)
- Erstellt am Friday 19 November 2010 durch Desmond MCMCMC
Siempre he admirado las figuras de Roman, y tal como lo dice el título, algunas figuras bastantes ... (Lesen Sie mehr)
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