Sierpinski Gasket L5 [e-book Edition]

Sierpinski Gasket L5 [e-book Edition]

Faltanleitung zum Herunterladen, um dieses Modell von Morisue Kei zu falten. Aus perfekt geeignetem Papier zu falten: Premium Damul Kraft oder Sandwichpapier

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* Diagramm oder digitales Buch:

2.00 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache


Sierpinski Gasket L5

Folding instructions to create this model with incredible color changes. The diagram includes 21 drawn steps and 130 photo-diagrams.

Fold with perfectly suited paper: premium Damul kraft paper

By choosing this paper, you will get the ideal size, color, texture, and weight to guarantee an exceptional result!Add this paper by checking the option above the "Add to Cart" button.

This diagram is available in PDF format. There are no shipping costs. You will be able to download it from "Your Account>My Downloads" once your payment is processed. It can be viewed on PCs, Macs, smartphones, and tablets.


Important :

The kraft sheet will be sent to you folded. It will therefore contain some fold marks that should not affect the final appearance of your model. By ordering this paper, you accept to receive the sheet folded.
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