book Spherical Origami jun mitani in japanese
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Spherical Origami

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39.99 €

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Book Description:
Jun Mitani is a Japanese artist folding amazing geometric origami models. His approach is very original using curved creases. You can see his works on his website

For each model, the author proposes:
- a Crease Pattern (CP) to be cut in a very nice paper (included in the book)
- a description with pictures to explain the folding-sequence.  The explanations are clear. It is not necessary to read Japanese to fold easily models.
Product Details:
Hardcover : 18 pages with explanations and photos + 30 pages with CPs in a beautiful high quality paper.
Language: Japanese
Product Dimensions: 21.7 cm. x 30 cm

21 models
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Reviews about this Spherical Origami (1 reviews)

- Review added the Saturday 12 July 2014 by Patrick BB
Un très bon livre pour explorer les pliages courbes et la 3D. Les CP à l'échelle, imprimés sur d... (Read more)
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