Modular Origami Kaleidoscope
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Floral Origami

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Floral Origami


These floral origami models are created from small pieces of paper. The pieces are folded to form units that then fit together to make a complex model. The designs range from easy for beginners to more complex, intricate complete bouquets.

Easy to follow, step-by-step diagrams show how to fold simple paper units and then assemble them into amazing complex models. 


This book includes over 30 origami designs, with flowers, leaves and kusudama.


About the Author
Ekaterina Lukasheva is a contemporary origami artist from Russia. She was first acquainted with origami as a young student, quickly adopting it as her hobby. Her interest continued to increase as she began her studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University as a student of mathematics and cybernetics. It was then that she began inventing her own unique, modular origami models. After a successful launch of her website,, she unwittingly developed a fan base from around the world. Bolstered by worldwide interest and support for her origami explorations and inspired by origami artists such as Tomoko Fuse and Robert Lang, Ekaterina has gathered some of her favorite models to share in her first book on modular origami: Kusudama Origami. Ekaterina Lukasheva was born in Moscow, Russia. She graduated from Lomonosov MSU, receiving her PhD four years later. She lives with her husband Boris and their cat Eva.


Product Details:
softcover: 84 pages

Date : 2018
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 28x22 cm

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Reviews about this Floral Origami (1 reviews)

- Review added the Tuesday 10 September 2019 by Valérie AAA
Grand choix de modeles. adapté a tous les niveaux. meme si le livre est en anglais il est suffisamm... (Read more)
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