book Origami Inside-out John Montroll in english
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Origami Inside-out

Changing color in origami is an exciting approach that makes the models more realistic and more interesting to fold.

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Origami Inside-out

Most traditional origami concentrates only on a form. Now John Montroll, a world renowned master of origami, has addes new realism to his folding by integrating color patterns into this exciting collection of 25 new projects.
Each creation in this book is crafted from a single sheet of standard origami paper, white on one side and colored on the other. The papers are twisted, folded, bent almost magically to make animals and objects accurate not only in shape but also in pattern. M. Montroll's racoon wears a handsome mask, the ferocious tiger has a full of stripes, and the technicolor Martians would grace a science-fiction movie. Besides animal projects, there are directions for elegant, multicolored goemetric shapes and for a full-sized chess board, accompanied, of cours, by a complete set of pieces.
With this book, everyone from beginner to expert can create beautiful works of origami art.

Author : John Montroll pioneered modern origami with the publication of his first book, Origami for the Enthusiast; Dover Publications, 1980, which was the first origami book where each model is folded from single square sheet and no cuts.
In the same book he also introduced the origami term "double rabbit ear fold".
He published at least 24 origami books. He is recognized for the exceptional clearness of his diagrams which makes its models accessible to greatest number.
I recommend his books for all beginners in origami. The folders who love complex should also know his models which propose beautiful, elegant and innovating folding sequences.

Product Details:
Paperback: 120 pages
Date :
Language: English
Product Dimensions:
21 cm x 29.7 cm

25 models diagrams step by step.


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Reviews about this Origami Inside-out (2 reviews)

- Review added the Friday 22 May 2015 by Fabrice M
My first origami book. I was intrigued by the chess game and board, and it is really a resourceful b... (Read more)
- Review added the Friday 24 February 2012 by Hanna R
Alles war super, gerne wieder
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