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How to learn how to create an origami model?
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How to learn how to create an origami model?

What are the secrets to creating your own origami models? It's actually much easier than you think. Here is the path I recommend in 5 progressive steps.


Secrets to design an origami model


What are the secret techniques for designing origami models?

This is the recurring question that all designers are asked. Some jealously guard their secrets. Rare are those who share their techniques. I take my hat off to authors such as Marc Vigo, Tetsuya Gotani, Mi Wu, Peter Bunchan Symons, Andrey Ermakov and of course Robert J. Lang who have shared their knowledge with many. They are the source of inspiration for many of today's talented designers.

Yet, despite the obvious quality of their work, many folders give up on the idea of creating their own. The aspiring designer often hopes to apply a methodology that will allow him to obtain a quick result. This is normal: as a folder, he is used to follow the diagrams step by step and scrupulously to obtain the promised pattern. But the design techniques, while accessible, don't work that way. They are demanding, require willpower and a little perseverance. Many people get discouraged. Unfortunately, they don't know that in fact, the main technique of creation is still tinkering, that is to say a series of trials and errors. On the other hand, it is a matter of being really accompanied in these first steps for a regular progression of learning.


So if you want to design your first origami models, here is the path I recommend:

Step 1: Give yourself permission to tinker with your paper and modify what already exists.

Step 2: First lessons / Basic techniques

  • Tinkering with folds - Marc Vigo
    Once you've tinkered with your first models, it's time to move on to understanding the basic techniques. This book clearly describes the first techniques to master in order to design a model and progressively approaches the concepts of Crease Pattern.

Step 3: Discover more advanced techniques

  • "A complete Origami Nativity" & "Folding Fantasy" - Peter Bunchan Symons
    These two books describe the classic techniques of creation but deepen them then they approach the more advanced techniques.

  • Origamix : Theory & Challenges - Tetsuya Gotani
    This book describes in detail the techniques used to create each model in the book. It also has the originality to propose an unique and clear methodology based on rounds to cut and position. Then it invites you to test this method with a series of exercises.

Step 4: The secrets of the most effective techniques

Step 5: Publish your own book


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