Wie immer alles schnell geliefert worden und die Qualität ist top
Good value, prompt delivery, from a good catalogue.
All I could want.
Little else to ad ... (Leer más)d
My 12yo son has been with this book every day since it arrived. He started origami about 5 years ago ... (Leer más) and has worked his way up into very difficult/advanced creations. He doesn't mind that the instructions are drawings, he says they are easy enough to follow. There are a few things he gets tripped up on but he ends up figuring it out. I especially love the owl, but all of the creations are really fun.
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Magnifique projet provocateur et funky, on devrait tous l'avoir dans les écoles, à côté du livre ... (Leer más) d'histoire/géo.
Superbe livre bien expliqué
De l'origami de haut niveau pour la plupart des modèles, mais les diagrammes sont clairs et compré ... (Leer más)hensibles, ce qui rend les modèles (avec un peu de pratique). Agathe 12 ans (fan d'origami).
I'm eager to fold Napoleon the pig from this book and Thief of the Last Geometry.
C'est un bon livre, mais je suis obligé de regarder des vidéos sur youtube pour comprendre certain ... (Leer más)s diagrammes... Par exemple le caméléon de Lang. Impossible de le faire car pour moi les dessins ne sont pas assez "froids" pour qu'on puisse comprendre. J'avoue que je ne suis pas fan du côté dessin rigolo. C'est dommage. En revanche les autres livres sont tops !
Complex, but I've enjoyed.
Magnifique livre!
les diagrammes illustrés par Halle sont autant plaisants que magnifiques, i ... (Leer más)ls donnent une note légère tout en étant rigoureux et clairement lisibles!
Mes remerciements cordiaux pour cette belle collaboration! * * * *
Il libro è stato consegnato in tempo, il libro è di ottima qualità e le descrizioni sono complete ... (Leer más).
Très bon livre, un vrai plaisir de plier avec.
Bien reçu, dans les délais et conforme à la description.
Awesome Book! Great instructions for models!!!
Otro de mis libros favoritos , una mezcla de modelos para que todo el mundo se sienta satisfecho , e ... (Leer más)s otro de esos libros que adorarás tener ,
siempre hay algo que hacer cuando abres este libro .
buena presentación ( la tapa dura la hace más especial )
buenos dibujos de diagramas
modelos muy lindos y unicos .
espero con ansias el Drawing origami tome2
Bon livre, avec de supers diagrammes. Un large éventail de styles.
Very nice models and great diagrams!
Encore merci pour l'envoi assez rapide de drawning origami Pour l'instant j'ai réussi 3 modèl ... (Leer más)es "les moins dur"le rendu est superbe,les diagrammes sont très bien expliques, félicitations aux artistes et editeurs,je recommande fortement cet ouvrage,par contre je me casse la tête pour trouverle secret code 😁.je pense recommander des ouvrages par la suite. Stéphane France (80).
Beaux modèles et diagrammes clair.
I really like the design on the book, it makes me wanna fold even more! i think every origami book s ... (Leer más)hould be so well designed.
Outstanding book. Beautiful, clear pictures / diagrams. Good range of skill levels. Some very cool ... (Leer más) models from a lot of newer (and some more well know) artists. The process of folding, photographing then drawing in a cartoonish style that was used in this book just make it overall very enjoyable to just read and look at. This is before you even fold any of the models.
Absolutely wonderful book! Diagrams are of high quality and easy to follow, and models are very imp ... (Leer más)ressive. A lot of time must have been spent to make the drawings and diagrams. Nice book to have -- my favourite fold so far is Mr. Teddy, it turned out great!
muy bonito libro excelentes diagramas y figuras
Qualidade do texto, das imagens, Explicações, ... Otimas
Maravilloso ya estoy impaciente por ver q nos deparará el segundo volumen.
Excellent book, perfect conditions!
Fantastic book. A great selection of models, accompanied by great diagrams. Well worth the purchase.
Very good book, hige quality production. Lots of colours and great models. I'ts realy fun to choose ... (Leer más)the next model I'll fold each time.
Livraison rapide emballage très satisfaisant comme d'habitude
l'ouvrage est très beau un petit bémol, les diagrammes de HALLE sont très bien,mais je trouve le ... (Leer más)fond un peu trop chargé ce qui nuit un peu à la lecture
A very nice book with a lot of beautiful models. The books has a nice cartoonish feel in with some j ... (Leer más)okes every now and then. The only thing i didn't like which made me put 4 stars instead of 5 is the fact that in some diagrams there are steps missing. For example at the step 5 of the wolf it is indicated to make 2 mountain fold and in the next step other than those 2 mountain folds we also have 2 extra creases that weren't there before. This made me a bit confused after as i had some missing creases later on. Also there are a very few explanations and the reference points aren't always every clear. Other than that the book is very cool and I reccomend it to any other folder.(seems like i made the diagrams seem impossible to follow. This is not the case it just takes a bit more time to understand some steps.)
WONDERFUL BOOK.Thanks for all your hard work, hope to see 2 soon
Le premier tome d'une série que j'espère longue !!Superbes modèles et diagrammes !!
Sehr schöne Modelle, liebevolle Gestaltung, ausführliche, aussagekräftige Diagramme
Très bon livre d'une grande qualité
Wonderful book! Great new way of diagramming (drawings on the base of phhotos - very clever idea and ... (Leer más) done with great craftmanship). I also appreciate very much, that new or not yet so well known paperfolders from all over the world get a chance to show their talent. A wonderful insight in today´s international origami scene! Thank you Nicholas Terry!
I highly enjoyed the book. There are a lot of fun little details to be discovered, at times there is ... (Leer más) almost too much going on. The selection of models is great, quite a few of the "big names" but also great models by less well known artists. I am looking forward to tome 2.
This book is an absolute delight! It is fun and funny! Nicolas Terry and team have put in great effo ... (Leer más)rt to bring this beautiful book to life! Each page is in full color, bringing out the best of Halle's cartoon type drawings and instructions. The models are for beginners and advanced origamists. It is also great to see the variety of designers being showcased. This book will be a collectors item soon! We looking forward to volume 2 already!... and may there be many more!
Très bon livre dans l'ensemble ! Très beaux diagrammes, et assez compréhensibles. Vivement le tom ... (Leer más)e 2 !
Its fun to read and fold, nice cartoons, and clever secret code....
Love the book. The color, the drawings the folds. I believe this to be the best book I've ordered. M ... (Leer más)anuel
Bouquin Topissime ! A posséder absolument, les modèles sont tous beaux ! Vivement le Tome 2 et peu ... (Leer más)t être le phacochère de Mr Terry ?! :)
Magnifique livre, très innovant dans sa présentation. De grands créateurs, 33 très beaux mo ... (Leer más)dèles, une illustration de grand style. Doit absolument être dans la bibliothèque de tout bon plieur !
Conception originale,contenu attrayant,humour,très beau livre,l'attente du tome 2 va être longue.
buongiorno..vorrei chiedere quando uscirà e si potrà acquistare il libro "drawing origami" anche i ... (Leer más)n formato elettronico. grazie Simone.
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