» » » » » Washi Mitsumata - 60 g/m²
Washi Mitsumata - 60 g/m²
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Washi Mitsumata - 60 g/m²

El Mitsumata washi es un papel de alta calidad fabricado a partir de un arbusto conocido como "arbusto de papel". Los fabricantes de papel chinos y japoneses utilizan sus propiedades desde hace mucho

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5.50 €

Notas y comentarios

Washi Mitsumata

  • Size 54x82 cm

  • 60 gsm

  • Handmade, 100% natural fibers

Mitsumata washi is a high quality paper, made from a shrub found in Asia, Edgeworthia chrysantha, known as the "Paper Bush". Chinese and Japanese papermakers use the strength properties of its plant fibers to produce quality papers.


Important : The 54x82 cm sheets have fringed edges. They will be sent to you folded. They will contain traces of folds which should not affect the final appearance of your model. By ordering this paper, you agree to receive these sheets folded.

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