Animaux Rigolos en Origami + 24 feuilles origami
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Weird Origami

Este libro está lleno de divertidos modelos de origami que a los niños les encantará plegar. ¡Y los profesores encontrarán una nueva reserva de modelos sorprendentes para enseñar a entretener a los ni

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Weird Origami

This book features surreal and fun origami such as "The button that looks like it's in trouble if you push it", "The person kneeling on the floor" and "The spinning poop". Models that you can play with, laugh at and be surprised by. The folding instructions are easy to follow so kids can fold on their own. The author also presents fun ways to play with each fold.

Teachers will find a new stock of amazing models to teach to entertain the kids!

  • Chapter 1: Funny or weird faces and costumes.
  • Chapter 2: Amazing models that transform, disappear or stand up in one fell swoop.
  • Chapter 3: From another world, here are kids' favorite creatures, like ghosts, zombies, specters, monsters and aliens.
  • Chapter 4: Toys that spin, fly, push, roll and more.
  • Chapter 5: Animals that stand on their heads, dance, scream and more! Animals that are not only cute but also very funny.


Product details :

Language : Japanese
Number of pages : 146
Format : 18 cm x 23.5 cm
Cover : soft



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