Beau papier, livraison soignée, les grands formats sont reçus correctement plié, carre sans défa ... (Leer más)ut
wonderful paper if can have more color on other side such as white
Very good for folding more complex models, that can't necessarily be done by just getting a larger p ... (Leer más)iece of plain paper
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Beatiful! Folds easily and it is very crisp!
I received the parcel, everything is safe and sound, the goods are super. I received the parcel than ... (Leer más)ks to tracking, I found out that it had arrived (without tracking, I think I could not pick it up) thanks for your response to the email!
Paper is nice, but it is much thicker than advertised and creases are hard to reverse. Colors go wel ... (Leer más)l together, and they are both very similar colors. Some of the paper is uneven in color, dyes are blobs.
Origami-shop :
This is a handmade Thai paper. Colours and textures may vary. This is also the charm of these handmade papers.
Not suitable for folding tessellations.
It's extremely brittle, doesn't take versatile crease ... (Leer más)s well, tears apart easily along intersections of creases, even if you're super careful.
Very Beautiful! Everything arrived early and extremely well packaged!
Toujours aussi fiable, belle texture, facile à plier, jolie brillance de la face métallisée. J'ai ... (Leer más)merais voir un jour ce produit en bicolore ;)
Excelente papel muy llamativo en su acabado y con unos resultado muy buenos para determinados modelo ... (Leer más)s. Mantiene muy bien los pliegues y se conserva bien sin deformarse
The quality of paper is superb and all tools I have bought including cutting mats have been of excel ... (Leer más)lent quality. The service is quick and the packing is secure.
There is also a wonderful range of papers. The tissue foil is of exceptional quality compared to others I have used.
Très beau papier pour faire des pliages complexes
Tjrs satisfait du choix que vous proposez,je réalise des pliages très techniques avec Plaisir,ne c ... (Leer más)hangé rien
Très agréable à plier, mais se déchire malheureusement très facilement le long des plis... Tota ... (Leer más)lement inadapté pour les pliages complexes, très fragile.
Very good paper, thin and stiff, it feels a bit thicker than other colours tissue foils but it's sti ... (Leer más)ll suitable for complex folding. Beautiful colour, pitch black with a cool glittery finish.
Acheté pour le fiery dragon de Jo Nakashima .
Et le résultat est superbe
un must. beau,agréable à plier.......
Perfect for complex models. Great quality!
Strong, supple and holds its shape remarkably well over time. Great for Kamiya's Bahamut, Foschi's s ... (Leer más)corpion and many other models.
Wunderschöne Farbe, lässt sich ausgezeichnet Falten und auch nass formen/finishen.
Très joli effet métallisé d'un coté, noir sombre de l'autre, agréable à plier.
First pack I got all the sheets were misshapen. Was disappointed as I've never experienced that befo ... (Leer más)re however after speaking to them they sent out a new pack free of charge. Things like this can happen and they were very quick to correct the mistake. Overall, as always, a good experience with this shop.
Holds folds so well, lovely to fold
Super papier für einsteiger und experten, nur für tesselationen nicht geeignet
Great paper for folding complex models! Easy to make sharp creases, and paper holds the form very we ... (Leer más)ll. It can get thick on multiple layers, but pressing it with force solves the problem.
Nice deep black on one side, bit shiny on the other. Feels a bit like very fine sandpaper on the "fo ... (Leer más)il" side. Still good to fold, thin.
Sehr gut zu faltendes Papier. Geniale Optik! Bei sehr vielen Schichten etwas unpräzise.
A lot crisper that the other colour tissue foils
Great quality paper. The colour is awesome. Very easy to fold and the results are spectacular.
Slightly thicker than expected, but was nice to fold with. Though it was definitely a regular paper ... (Leer más)rather than a tissue foil paper
Review added the Thursday 01 December 2016 by Anna KKKKK
Very beautiful paper that holds its ... (Leer más)shape well.
(Review moved by Origami-shop Team to the right item)
Review added the Sunday 13 December 2015 by Juan Manuel DLTEDLTE
El papel es buenisimo y lleg ... (Leer más)ó en perfecto estado gracias a su fabuloso embalaje y además muy rápido. Contentísimo!
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Review added the Saturday 18 April 2015 by Nicole G
Eine Seite glitzert sehr edel, die andere ... (Leer más) ist matt.Das gibt der Figur viel Eleganz, ist beim Falten aber ein klein wenig spröder als normales Papier.Ich kann es dennoch sehr empfehlen und werde es wieder bestellen
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Review added the Friday 23 May 2014 by Trixie MM
Beautiful paper. Using it for my son's 1000 ... (Leer más)cranes and loving it. I've tried many other blacks before settling on this.
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Review added the Monday 01 October 2018 by Goar SS
Good paper to fold large and complex figur ... (Leer más)es, I particularly like this paper.
(Review moved by Origami-shop Team to the right item)
Review added the Sunday 14 January 2018 by Sébastien GGGGGGGGGGG
Papier facile à plier. Un ... (Leer más)régal. Merci
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Review added the Sunday 04 October 2015 by Ayman AAAAAAAAA
This paper isn't real tissue foil, ... (Leer más) but it's actually pretty good. Mainly because it's strong and easier to shape than other papers. The black paper though was very hard to fold with. The creases kind of disappear because of the color. Wasn't damaged in the shipping process.
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Review added the Friday 31 October 2014 by Giuliano PPPPP
Eccezionale. Ottima per i modelli p ... (Leer más)iù complessi. Non sottilissima.
(Review moved by Origami-shop Team to the right item)
Review added the Saturday 15 March 2014 by Justin HHHH
Very good paper, perfectly suited to w ... (Leer más)hatever your folding needs are
(Review moved by Origami-shop Team to the right item)
Review added the Friday 11 October 2013 by Mark BBBBBBB
Darkness Dragon, Water Buffalo, Ancie ... (Leer más)nt Dragon.. This paper can do em all easily while creating a very beatiful result. As the layers get stacked in the folding process, the surface shows it true pitch black face with a faint glittery pattern.
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Ive had this before and like it also, the models always lol good and keep their shape with this pape ... (Leer más)r.
This paper feels great to fold and is able to hold creases and its shape well
it looks great, and came really well packed. unfolded the creases it came with, and it was in great ... (Leer más)shape. it made an amazing darkness dragon (darkness dragon v2 by tadashi mori).
Très bon papier, avec des reflets métallisés très jolis. Seul bémol: la feuille peut craquer su ... (Leer más)r les bords du carré, tant il est fin!
HUGE sheet of paper. Nice paper, but not suitable for super complex, multilayered models, because it ... (Leer más) may tear at the critical points.
Eccezionale. Ottima per i modelli più complessi. Non sottilissima.
AMAZING paper! Folds really nice, and is just beautiful.
Very nice paper. Is both thin and strong, and keeps various shapes very nicely.
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