Gift Idea 7-10 years of age

Gift Idea 7-10 years of age

A pack exclusive to our store including two origami books perfectly adapted to the youngest and a batch of Japanese origami paper.

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Auf Lager

47.90 € 43.11 €
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Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache

Bücher: Thema


Gift idea for young kids 7-10 years old


A pack including two books in French adapted to the youngest folders and a box of origami paper:

  • Giant Origami +100 Sheets 30x30 cm
    20 fun large format models to turn the art of origami into an educational game. Video tutorial with step-by-step instructions for each model and 100 illustrated and coloring sheets to develop the imagination.

  • Giant Origami The Little Chef + 100 Sheets 30x30 cm
    20 fun and easy-to-fold models, with 100 sheets of paper in giant format (30 x 30 cm) illustrated, colored and to color, to be detached from the book. Thanks to the diagrams and video tutorials, it will be easy to make large, colorful origami, from watermelon to corn on the cob, from cheese to carrots: a fantastic journey into the world of cooking that will capture the attention of the youngest, whetting their curiosity and turning them into real little chefs! 

  • Pack Kami Assortment - 50 colors - 100 sheets - 11.8 x 11.8 cm
    Ideal for little hands that are new to origami or to practice modular origami.
    Pack of 100 square sheets / Size 11.8x11.8 cm / 50 different colors / One colored side, one white side
    Extra thin: 53 g/m².
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