» » » Origami World Marathon #4
Origami World Marathon #4

Origami World Marathons 


The basic idea is simple: each year 48 creators teach 48 original models in 48 hours.

Our teachers are the top origami creators from all around the world. Each one will teach via Zoom her/his original model. This is your chance to learn from the best, and get to know the people behind the names!

This event is created and managed by Ilan Garibi / Guy Loel / Nicolas Terry

Produktanzahl : 1
Suchen auf Marke
Erweiterte Suche

Papier: Dicke
Papers: Farben
Papier: Größen
Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad
Bücher: Sprache
Bücher: Thema
Produit livrable
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