Eat, heal and welcome with origami

Eat, heal and welcome with origami

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

29.99 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache

Bücher: Thema


Eat, heal and welcome with origami


  • Chapter 1: Origami to eat 
    Fold cups with soy leaves or fold cheese boats then enjoy!

  • Chapter 2: Heal with origami
    The author accompanied her husband hospitalized for a long time. Origami allowed him to rediscover the use of these fingers and supported his recovery. The book offers simple but attractive models that can encourage patients to discover origami.

  • Chapter 3: Welcome with origami
    The book offers various models to exchange and entertain your guests.

  • Chapter 4: Origami Engineering
    The book introduce origami engineering and collaboration with medical science
Product Details:
Paperback: 96 pages
Language: Japanese
Product Dimensions: 18x26
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