book Unit Origami essence tomoko fuse in japanese

Durchschnitt:  1 Stellungnahme

Nanahoshi - Seasonal flowers

The origami artist Nanahoshi presents 21 new origami flowers to fold from 32 sheets illustrated by Adeline Klam

Quantität : 
Bald verfügbar

26.50 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache

Bücher: Thema


Nanahoshi - Seasonal flowers


This book is a collaboration between renowned origami designer Nana Takahashi (Nanahoshi) and artist Adeline Klam.

  • Nanahoshi provides folding instructions for 21 origami flowers and arrangements
  • Adeline Klam presents at the end of the book 32 illustrated sheets to cut out to make the models of the book


Product Details:
Paperback 64+32 pages
Language: Japanese
Product Dimensions: 24 cm x 25.5 cm

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Benutzermeinung für Nanahoshi - Seasonal flowers (1 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Monday 07 November 2022 durch Emilyana M
J'adore !!!! Je suis fan de cette artiste. Ses Å“uvres sont superbes !!!
[Kommentar hinzufügen]
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