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Natural Origami

Natural Origami

15 Origami-Motive, die mit einer neuen Methode zur Darstellung der Faltfolgen gefaltet werden sollen und damit eine neue Herausforderung für Origami-Experten darstellen.

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* Diagramm oder digitales Buch:

14.99 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache


Animal Origami

15 Animal Models for the Expert Folder


What attracts us to the 22.5° style of design in origami is the aesthetic beauty of simplicity. Unlike many new pieces today, these designs are created not with the intention of adding more to impress, but rather with the understanding that great beauty can be found in the most basic geometric forms. While simple in visual appearance, these pieces can be surprisingly technical in structure and detail.

This book presents, for the first time in a complete book, new efficient method of diagramming, called before "Progressive Crease Pattern", and called by the author here "Condensed diagramming". Unlike traditional diagramming, which breaks down each folding movement into one or more individual steps, condensed diagramming groups several steps together without compromising too much information. It is best described as a fusion between a crease pattern and a set of diagrams. As such, it is targeted towards experienced folders who are familiar with crease patterns. In each new precreasing step, previous precreases are grayed out, while new precreases are bolded. All references are contained within the creases. In the collapsing steps, mountain and valley folds are represented by blue and red lines respectively; the collapsed base is supplemented underneath. Lastly, shaping is presented as a general guideline, allowing subjective interpretation of the piece. The diagrams may not be easy for the inexperienced folder. Treat them as puzzles, and take time to decode and understand them. At the completion of the models, you may find that you have obtained a better understanding of the designs than if you had folded them from traditional diagrams.


Ebook version only

  • Format : PDF 2.2 Mo
  • Language: English
  • Nombre de pages: 112 pages 

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