Origamaze #3

Durchschnitt:  1 Stellungnahme

Origamaze #3

Das Origamaze-Magazin zeigt Diagramme, Foto-Diagramme und CPs von indischen Origami-Designern, aber auch von anderen internationalen Künstlern.

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

* Diagramm oder digitales Buch:

3.50 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache

Bücher: Thema


Origamaze #3

Issue-03 marks the first magazine of the year 2023, and with this edition, we are introducing something new for our readers. As you may already know, Origamaze primarily focuses on diagrams, photo-diagrams, and crease patterns of designs by Indian origami artists. However, starting from this issue, we will also include a design by a featured international artist. We are excited to announce that Mr. Boice Wong from Portland is the first international artist to contribute his design to Origamaze.



4 diagrams (Gnome / Japanese White-Eye / Hummingbird / Hina Doll)
1 photodiagram (Dragon)
3 Cps (Peacock / Twin Dragon / Praying Mantis)

39 pages
- Format: PDF 37 Mo


This item is an e-bookthere are thus no carriage costs. The PDF fild can be viewed using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader Program on PC, Mac, smartphone and Tablet. You could download it from “Your Account>My downloads” as soon as we accept your payment.
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Benutzermeinung für Origamaze #3 (1 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Thursday 29 February 2024 durch Valérie A
Modeles originaux. Par contre, certains diagrammes ne sont pas tres lisibles
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