Origami Fold and Fun [e-book Edition]

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Origami Fold and Fun [e-book Edition]

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* Diagramm oder digitales Buch:

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E-Book Description:

24 models with step-by-step diagram from level simple to complex

This e-book contains all the models by Dimitris Dalas, published in his previous ebooks, with improved versions of several models.

This book is an E-book. There are thus no carriage costs. You can download it from “Your Account>Review your orders” as soon as we accept your payment.

Dimitris Dalas is the webmaster of origami.gr 
Free stuffs : download 3 diagrams here.


Product Details:
PDF 2.3 Mo
63 pages
Language: English


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Benutzermeinung für Origami Fold and Fun [e-book Edition] (1 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Tuesday 07 January 2020 durch NEIL W
Thanks for the great service brilliant
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