» » » » » Pack: Lokta #1 Animal Colors - 10 colors - 10 sheets - 35x35 cm
Pack Lokta animales colors

Durchschnitt:  3 Stellungnahme

Pack: Lokta #1 Animal Colors - 10 colors - 10 sheets - 35x35 cm

Lokta-Papier ist dafür bekannt, Origami-Modelle durch seine unglaublich seidige Textur hervorzuheben, aber auch durch seine Festigkeit, die es für alle Faltungen verwendbar macht.

Quantität : 
Bald verfügbar

25.00 € 19.99 €
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Papier: Dicke

Papers: Farben

Papier: Größen


Pack LOKTA Papers #1 - Animal Colors

Lokta paper is a very popular paper for folders because of its exceptional softness, smoothness and strength, while offering a silky texture that perfectly imitates, for example, an animal's coat. Many origami artists, such as Anicé Claudéon and Gachepapier, often use it to enhance their folding. 


It comes from a shrub growing in Nepal, high in the eastern Himalayas. The exceptional quality of the paper is due to the beating of the carefully cleaned bark, which does not break the fibers but softens them.


This pack offers a color combination suitable for folding animals.


  • Pack of 10 sheets
  • 35x35 cm (13.7''x13.7'')
  • 55 gsm
  • 10 different colors: Black / White / Smoke grey / Light grey / Dark brown / Brown / Light brown / Orange brown / Beige / Duo Chocolate

Note: The format of the sheets and this pack is exclusive to the store: The sheets are cut and packaged by us.

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Benutzermeinung für Pack: Lokta #1 Animal Colors - 10 colors - 10 sheets - 35x35 cm (3 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Thursday 18 May 2017 durch Mark P
Nice large sheets of paper in a nice range of colours, they are thin, strong and hold a crease well.... (Lesen Sie mehr)
- Erstellt am Tuesday 26 May 2015 durch Mathias RRR
super papier tres agreable a plier !
- Erstellt am Tuesday 08 November 2011 durch Dirk DBDBDBDB
Great looking paper, nice natural texture. The thickness is not equal on the whole paper, but it's h... (Lesen Sie mehr)
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