» » 1 sheet BIOTOPE Black 35x35 cm - PIANO ORIGAMI
1 sheet BIOTOPE Black 35x35 cm - PIANO ORIGAMI

1 sheet BIOTOPE Black 35x35 cm - PIANO ORIGAMI

Videoanleitung zum Falten dieses hübschen Klaviers von Patricia Crawford in einem Papier, das ideal für dieses Modell ist!

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

1.50 €

Papier: Dicke

Papers: Farben

Papier: Größen



  • 1 sheet 35X35 cm (14''x14'')
  • 55 gsm

This paper can be used to fold this lovely piano designed by Patricia Crawford.
The JMS ORIGAMI Tutorials video is published with permission.

This model can also be folded using 35x35 cm Black/White Sandwich paper.




Qualities :


This is the missing link between the traditional origami papers and Tant papers:

- It is prettier than the traditional origami papers thanks to its finer texture and new colors

- It is really thinner than Tant papers and so fits perfectly with complex folds

That's why it is an ideal and economical paper to fold any origamis, including super complex models.


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