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Tatsukuriorigami - a creative journey through the 12 months of the year

Durchschnitt:  1 Stellungnahme

Tatsukuriorigami - a creative journey through the 12 months of the year

Entdecken Sie die Kunst, Papier in jahreszeitliche Festlichkeiten und wertvolle Erinnerungen zu verwandeln, mit fesselnden Origamiprojekten für jeden Anlass, angeleitet durch klare und illustrierte Anleitungen aus dem berühmten Youtube-Kanal Tatsukuriorigami.

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

24.99 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache


TATSUKURIORIGAMI - a creative journey through the 12 months of the year

Discover the captivating charm of this guide that invites you to explore origami adapted for each season. Perfect for activities with family and friends, this book is designed to give you both the pleasure of creating and the joy of offering seasonal origami.

With over 100,000 subscribers, Tatsukuri's channel https://www.youtube.com/@tatsukuriorigami shares its expertise here through detailed instructions and illustrated photos, making each project accessible and fun for everyone, whatever your level.

As you turn the pages, you'll travel through the year, from spring to winter, with origami representing typical events and festivities:


  • Spring : Celebrate Dolls' Day in March, create Easter bunnies and eggs in April, and make decorations for Children's Day and Mother's Day in May.
  • Summer : Enjoy rainy June walks and Father's Day gifts, immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of Tanabata in July, and enjoy summer adventures at the beach in August.
  • Autumn : Give gifts for our elders in September, make Halloween decorations in October, and gather supplies in November.
  • Winter : Celebrate Christmas in December, welcome the New Year in January, and share the love with origami for Valentine's Day and Setsubun in February.

This book is also a valuable resource for educators and parents, offering origami projects ideal for school events, daycares and extracurricular activities.



Whether to decorate, to give as a gift, or simply for the pleasure of creating, this book promises hours of creative fun for the whole family.

Product Details:

Language: Japanese
Number of pages : 127 pages in color
Format: 18.5 cm x 25.5 cm
Cover : Soft cover

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Benutzermeinung für Tatsukuriorigami - a creative journey through the 12 months of the year (1 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Monday 15 April 2024 durch Emilyana M
Le livre est génial pour faire des origamis kawaï avec de jeunes enfants. Mes filles ont adoré et... (Lesen Sie mehr)
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