Creative Origami Ideas and Techniques #2

Creative Origami Ideas and Techniques #2

Zweiter Band der Unterweisungen des Großmeisters Fumiaki Kawahata, um seine eigenen Modelle zu entwerfen.

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34.99 €


Creative Origami Ideas and Techniques #2


The great origami masters are not only capable of creating technical masterpieces, but also of generating a wealth of new ideas. 


In the first volume of this series, Fumiaki Kawahata gave us his tips, as origami professionals, for folding with precision, developing innovative folding sequences and creating his own models.


This second volume is structured around the theme of "ideas" as a starting point for creating origami. How do you get ideas for new models? How do you evolve your folds? Which features to keep, which to add? How do you assemble two models into one? 


A must for fans of Kawahata's models, as well as for those who want to learn the secrets of design.

The book contains folding instructions for 36 models



Table of contents:

  1. Use the appearance and shape of a fold to come up with an idea for a model.
    Short-eared owl / swallow / flying fish / bird object / squid / deer object / shrimp / rhinoceros / hand / walrus / musk ox / raccoon dog


  2. Use the same base to create different models

    Penguin-A, penguin-B, shark, striped horse mackerel, heart envelope, butterfly envelope, cat envelope

  3. Identify what you don't need in order to prioritize certain features

    Hourglass object / Horse object / Moose / Mammoth / Toucan / Squirrel / Black-footed stork


    Add details or combine several models on a single sheet

    Carrot / Radish / Platypus / Apatosaurus / Chameleon / Cat / Orca / Strawberry cake / Santa Claus / Minotaur


Product Details:
Softcover: 192 color pages
Date : 2024
Language: Japanese
Product Dimensions: 18 cm x 25 cm


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