Shaping Paper

Durchschnitt:  4 Stellungnahme

Shaping Paper

Ein Buch, um die Modelle des berühmten Künstlers Gachepapier zu falten und seine Geheimnisse zu verstehen, die seinen Modellen so viel Leben einhauchen.

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

24.99 €

Bücher: Schwierigkeitsgrad

Bücher: Sprache

Bücher: Thema


Shaping Paper


Whether you are an experienced paper folder looking for new techniques and challenge or simply want to enjoy a little private origami exhibition from the comfort of your living room, this book is for you. Shaping Paper is an invitation to discover origami models which seem to have been animated with a breath of life. The book features many models by the french origami Artist Gachepapier, which have travelled around the world to be exhibited in art galleries, a discussion of the various shaping and folding techniques which will enable a patient folder to achieve such expressive pieces and detailed instructions for ten folding projects, beautifully illustrated by Dáša Ševerová.

Download here a preview.


Details :

  • 149 color pages
  • Complete step-by-step folding instructions for 10 models
  • Languages: English
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Benutzermeinung für Shaping Paper (4 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Monday 18 April 2022 durch Jonathan S
Amazing duo of great artists- an excellent book and one of its kind!
- Erstellt am Thursday 18 March 2021 durch Baptiste L
Perfect book ! Beautifull and instructive.
- Erstellt am Wednesday 18 November 2020 durch Winnie LL
Utterly amazing to find out how GachePapier makes his remarkable work, not just the folding but also... (Lesen Sie mehr)
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