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Fold, Twist, Repeat [e-book Edition]

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Fold, Twist, Repeat [e-book Edition]

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Product Details:


Full Diagrams:

  • Set of boxes
  • Gargoyle (super complex - 105 steps)


  • 22 CPs + informations to fold them



Product Details:

Format : PDF 19.1 Mo

Language : English / Italian
Nombre de pages : 100 pages 

Author: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30452866@N06/


Message of the author :


"First published by CDO (Centro Diffusione Origami, [origami spreading association] the Italian origami society,  in October 2013, as "QQM52" (52nd special issue of its magazine "QM"). It's part of the 2013 CDO subscription, so if you're a member you should receive a printed copy of this booklet, together with issue #108 of its magazine (unless you were at the 2013 Italian convention: in this case you should have received it there).

"ORIPA: Origami Pattern Editor" by Jun Mitani had been extremely useful for designing many tessellations and to draw their instructions.
A special thank goes to Francesco Decio, for introducing me to diagramming, and to Roberto Gretter, for sharing his origami knowledge with me, during many years folding together." 


Sample from the foreword by Roberto Gretter: 


..... Since then we are friends and we regularly meet for folding with the rest of the group.
Alessandro has an extraordinary technique, he easily moves among very different styles, folding extreme tessellations, hyper-complex models, but also delicate wetfolded figures, action models, unit origami and any other thing he runs into. He solves the hardest crease-patterns, strange bases, he can read incomprehensible diagrams – often he's the one who solves doubts and finds the right interpretation ofa particularly difficult step during our meetings – but he has also a rare modeling skill. He studies origami history, his geometry, the models, the authors, and keeps on studying, going in depth in a variety of aspects......
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Benutzermeinung für Fold, Twist, Repeat [e-book Edition] (6 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Thursday 29 March 2018 durch Marcel DD
No easy stuff, but if you are interested in tesselations, and a bit of math, very good !!
- Erstellt am Friday 07 November 2014 durch Olivier C
Merci à l'auteur de partager ses patrons et merci à vous de les diffuser.
- Erstellt am Monday 03 November 2014 durch Nicholas S
Ottimi disegni, soprattutto il gargoyle che possiede un realismo fantastico! Attenti comunque che ci... (Lesen Sie mehr)
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