Paper in Motion

Durchschnitt:  6 Stellungnahme

Paper in Motion

Falten Sie eine Sammlung von Fahrzeugen aller Art. Falten Sie jetzt Origami-Modelle, die nicht zum üblichen Thema gehören, vom vorgeschichtlichen Auto zum Fahrrad.

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Bücher: Sprache

Bücher: Thema


Paper in motion.

Create a collection of vehicles through the art of origami. Over one thousand illustrations will guide you in folding these works of art for yourself. This is one of those rare collections that is geared towards the advanced origami folder and is sure to provide many hours of fun challenges. There are also chapters to aid you with paper choice and preparation. Each model is prefaced with some insight into the creative process. A wide range of subjects are tackled, including the whimsical Catching a Plane and Prehistoric Car. Everything from two wheelers to spacecraft is covered such as the quaint Penny-farthing to the modern Satellite.

This book is available as paperback or hardcover format. Please choose the format in the options above.


Product Details:
Softcover: 168 color pages
Date : 2019
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 20 cm x 25 cm


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Benutzermeinung für Paper in Motion (6 Bewertungen)

- Erstellt am Monday 04 November 2019 durch Federico RDR
Son figuras muy interesantes de plegar que requieren interpretación para sacarles toda su gracia.
- Erstellt am Saturday 07 September 2019 durch Sascha KKKK
Sensationelle Modelle. Etwas abseits der sonst dominierenden Themen (Tiere, Blumen, Abstrakt). Schwi... (Lesen Sie mehr)
- Erstellt am Saturday 10 August 2019 durch Nicolas D
livre intéressant à approfondir
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