» » 1 sheet WASHI DELUXE Green 35X35 cm- ORIGAMI Green DRAGON
1 sheet WASHI DELUXE Green  35X35 cm- ORIGAMI Green DRAGON

1 sheet WASHI DELUXE Green 35X35 cm- ORIGAMI Green DRAGON

Anleitungsvideo zum Falten dieses hübschen Drachen von Sergey Yartsev zu einem idealen Papier für dieses Modell!

Quantität : 
Auf Lager

3.50 €

Papier: Dicke

Papers: Farben

Papier: Größen



  • 1 sheet 35x35 cm (12''x12'')
  • 60 gsm

This paper can be used to fold this pretty dragon created by Sergey Yartsev.
JM's ORIGAMI Tutorials's video (published with his permission) uses KAMI paper 35x35 cm .







This Washi Deluxe has a crumpled texture that brings a natural look to your models, very interesting for example for origami plants and leafs. On the other hand, this very marked texture catches the light and so highlights your folds.

Usually, this type of crumpled paper remains difficult to fold but with this paper, thanks to the presence of a strong metallized layer on the back, the paper becomes as malleable as the foil paper. That's why, it is possible to fold any type of model, even the most complex, while ensuring easy modeling.

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