Andrey Lukyanov was born in 1980 in Ukraine where he lives now. He is the webmaster of www.loveorigami.info. He is the author of several booklets of origami which have an excellent quality, with a very beautiful cover and color pages.

"I became professional in the origami at the 23 years age, following a meeting with my beloved (my wife today). I have decided, indeed, to devote me to something unusual and my choice has fallen on the origami. To prove my love, I started to create, each day, a model containing heart. I thus obtained a collection of 364 models presented to my beloved together with mine 365 live heart.
For this year I have opened many original ways using heart which have been approved by Francis Ow. Now my collection have more than 1000 figures of hearts which, thanks to Nicolas Terry, I can present to the world. I hope, that my creativity will take a worthy place in your heart.
With love, Andrey"

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Love Origami Convention Book #1 [free e-book]
Love Origami Vol 1+2+3+4+5  [e-book Edition]
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All letters and Ciphers [e-book Edition]
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