Zing Origami [Epub Edition]
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Zing Origami [Epub Edition]

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Origami artist John Szinger shows how to fold 12 all original models, from a single square of paper, in his first book "Zing Origami". John has diagrammed models ranging in difficulty from simple to complex that use alternate geometries, one-sixth and one-fifth, and polar or rotational-based symmetries. His innovative models include:

  1. Adirondack Canoe - 14 steps
  2. Adirondack Chair - 34 steps
  3. Octopus - 19 steps
  4. Loon - 27 steps
  5. Brown Bear - 20 steps
  6. Butterfly I - 44 steps
  7. Hot Air Balloon - 30 steps
  8. Asian Elephant II - 33 steps
  9. Baluchitherium - 35 steps
  10. Lizard - 60 steps
  11. Snapping Turtle - 44 steps
  12. Fivefold Rose - 50 steps 

These models can be folded from a single square, most from a six- or ten-inch sheet. Although they can be made from foil or wet-folded to bring out the sculptural aspects, it isn’t necessary. 


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Product Details:

Format : Epub 20 Mo

Language : English



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Reviews about this Zing Origami [Epub Edition] (1 reviews)

- Review added the Thursday 29 February 2024 by Valérie A
jolis modeles. Diagrammes simples a suivre
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